Feedback geven Wat User goed vindt aan La Bonne Franquette:
Déuner délicieux, pas quoi nos summes habitués and tant que néerlands, Maisner déréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréx. Heerlijke lunch, niet wat we gewend zijn als nederige mensen, maar zeer uitgebreide diners. Bekijk alle feedback.
Very nice restaurant, good value price, I will return to her, to try for those who don't know.
a good time, very reasonable price for benefits, an address has to know
Restaurant or reception is very pleasant. Service with a smile and quick. Menu with various choices. Excellent quality price. I recommend
Very good address to eat good small well cooked dishes. Christiane welcomes you with good humor and sympathy while Sébastien reigns as a master in his kitchen h...
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